Wednesday 23 April 2014


I've always wondered what makes readers buy a paperback or a hardback and the only real difference is between the price tag. I know a lot of BookTuber's like to buy hardbacks because of the overall quality difference but there is an off chance that they will most likely buy a few paperbacks if any sales have started. I, like most, prefer to buy paperbacks because they are cheap and if I happen not to like the book it won't make much difference because I would of got it for a cheap price, so there's no need to worry about any money lost. Hardbacks on the other hand is a whole new issue, it generally has to do with new releases, in this case I always happen to buy the last book in the series in hardback because I got the previous book instalments after they'd been released which meant they were cheap. But as I wait for the last instalment I always get it in hardback, comparing the prices of paperback and hardback they're more or less the same give or take a few pounds, so I end up opting for a hardback. However there are other factors that come into play such as stores having sales or clearance for hardbacks or if I really like the cover for a particular book and don't mind spending a few pounds extra I'll get in hardback.

I'd really like to hear your opinion about the difference between buying a paperback or hardback.

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