Thursday 6 November 2014

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

I've been playing the Call of Duty franchise for years, so with the usual November release I brought the latest game in the franchise, Advanced Warfare.

I managed to complete the campaign of my usual two to three days, depending on how you count the hours of gameplay. With the introduction of a more modern storyline, this edition reminded me in many ways of previous Call of Duty instalments, especially Modern Warfare, Blacks Ops, and Ghosts, which is most likely due to the fact that they are all set in a dystopian future where the antagonist seizes power by any force necessary to control the world as they see fit. As customary Advanced Warfare features a Hollywood star, a Brit, and of course a betrayal we can all see coming from a mile off.

At times the game would take a few seconds to load midway through playing the campaign, which I did find rather annoying. I also found that the opening scenes to each mission would freeze which would cause a slight delay in the audio, but I guess that seems trivial as it doesn't affect the gameplay.

Advanced Warfare introduces a new feature where you have to constantly upgrade weaponry to enhance your combat skills, though I must admit I wasn't a fan of this it definitely makes you work harder to get the points you need for an upgrade.

I've yet to play multiplayer I'm hoping to try it out over the weekend as I have a free two day Gold membership trial that comes along with your purchase of Advanced Warfare.

As a Call of Duty fan it is a must to add Advanced Warfare your collection, though if you're still on the fence I suggest you watch some gameplay videos on Youtube to make up your mind, whether its worth it or not.

You can get Advanced Warfare online or at your nearest game store.
I brought my copy from Tesco.

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